Experimental study on wall and ceiling capillary radiant cooling performance

Du Chenqiu, Li Baizhan, Liu Hong, Cheng Yong and Chen Jinhua


Analyses the indoor thermal environment responses and comfort of wall and ceiling capillary radiant cooling at the system water supply temperatures of 16 ℃ and 18 ℃, respectively. The results show that the indoor thermal environments of both terminals can be stabilized within 4 hours and both the temperatures in steady-state are kept at 28 ℃. The difference of heat flow per unit area of wall radiant cooling is up to 20.62 W/m2 for the capillary tube distances of 2 cm and 4 cm. The indoor vertical and horizontal temperature distribution of both terminals are uniform, and the thermal environments of wall and ceiling radiant cooling systems are evaluated as Grade II (0.5<PMV≤1) and Grade I (PMV≤0.5) in steady-state, respectively. The indoor thermal environments of two radiant terminals can meet the comfort requirements of the standard.